Avoid These Five Mistakes That Harm Your Workout

Avoid These Five Mistakes That Harm Your Workout

Exercise is very beneficial for our body, mind and emotions. It increases our energy and makes our life better. Experts say that we should exercise 30 minutes every day, 5 days a week. But sometimes we make some mistakes, which make our hard work useless. Due to these mistakes our workout becomes less effective and we can also get injured. Let us know what are the five mistakes that you should never make.

Skipping a workout
If you skip a workout without a good reason, it can slow down your progress. This makes it difficult for you to reach your fitness goals and you may also lose some of your hard work. Maintain regularity and follow your workout schedule.

Eating right before a workout
Eating a heavy meal right before a workout keeps your body busy digesting it. This prevents proper blood flow to your muscles and can cause cramps or nausea. Instead, eat a light snack 2 hours before your workout, such as peanut butter and banana, Greek yogurt and berries, oatmeal, or a handful of nuts or raisins.

not warming up
Warming up before a workout is very important. This raises your body temperature, increases blood flow and loosens up the muscles. Light stretching, jogging or biking are good ways to warm up. Starting a workout without warming up can lead to injury.

Bouncing while stretching
Bouncing while stretching can cause muscle injury. Hold the stretch steady for 20-30 seconds. If you want to do ballistic stretching, consult a professional trainer first.

Wrong posture
Wrong posture can affect your fitness and increase the risk of injury. Be sure to follow the correct form while working out. Do not slouch on the treadmill and keep your back straight and shoulders back while lifting weights. Correct posture will not only ensure that your muscles work properly, but you will also avoid injury.

Harmful effects of wrong workouts

  • Injuries: Exercising in the wrong manner can lead to muscle strains and joint pain.
  • Hindrance to the right workout: Working out in the wrong way can make it difficult to reach your fitness goals.
  • Excessive fatigue: Wrong workout makes your body get tired quickly and energy gets depleted.
  • Decreased motivation: If you don’t get good results, you may feel less inclined to exercise.
  • Bad effect on health: Wrong workout can cause problems like high blood pressure and heart disease.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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